Form, Color, and Function in Seal Harbor

ID Boston Magazine, Volume 8

2015-06-08 Leandra Design Seal Harbor WEB © Jeff Roberts Imaging (6).jpg
2015-06-08 Leandra Design Seal Harbor WEB © Jeff Roberts Imaging (3).jpg

T What’s not to love about this bright, yet still cozy retreat in Seal Harbor, Maine? Designer Leandra Fremont-Smith has turned out bright and cheerful interiors with the perfect amount of gusto to hold up to the more salty elements of life in a small town on the southeastern quadrant of Mount Desert Island.

2015-06-08 Leandra Design Seal Harbor WEB © Jeff Roberts Imaging (12).jpg

A Harvard graduate who studied at the American University in Paris and the Boston Architectural Center, Leandra puts form, color, and function at the center of every project. She begins each by asking three simple questions: How do you live? What inspires you? What gives you comfort? If we asked ourselves these questions more often, wouldn’t we all seek happier lives? For those lucky enough to work with Fremont-Smith, the result is a home that is inviting, colorful, and most of all, joyful.

2015-06-08 Leandra Design Seal Harbor WEB © Jeff Roberts Imaging (11).jpg
2015-06-08 Leandra Design Seal Harbor WEB © Jeff Roberts Imaging (13).jpg